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The best jobs in the future are going to be what I call 'STEMpathy' jobs - jobs that blend STEM skills (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) with human empathy.  We don't know what many of them will be like yet. [...] - Thomas L. Friedman

About ...

I think we need to be training people on how to change the world.  Obviously, technologies are the way to do that.  That’s what we’ve seen in the past; that’s what drives all the change. - Larry Page

Welcome to The She-Ecosystem; a platform to promote and advocate for diversity in the workplace and in society!

I'm Iris, I live in Montreal, and I am the founder and curator of this platform.



On The She-Ecosystem platform, the mission is to advocate authentically for diversity, gender equality, and empower women.  We seek to inspire the dreamers and innovators; we practice STEMpathy, empathy, leadership and generosity.

Fostering women's equality in all aspects of society will not only positively affect the global economy, but will bring to the table a set of traits and visions uniquely to women, and hence, a sense of balance to our planet.


The platform is meant to inspire all, from the next generation, to aspiring entrepreneurs - and/or women who didn't even know they had it in them - through examples, from featured She-Entrepreneur-Members - as well as women in STEM, in politics, and by men as well.


The three major arenas in societies where having more women involved, a drastic and progressive influence on communities, and the world as a whole, would be realized, are:

  • Women in entrepreneurship (She-Entrepreneurs)

  • Women in STEM (She-Stems)

  • Women in politics (She-Governs)

And so these are the 3 main sectors of focus on the She-Ecosystem platform!

*** Update:  just added a new page to the platform:  She-Startups! ***




For women to succeed, along with the work she does, an inclusive leadership and support by men is needed, by encouraging diversity in the workplace; hiring women, equal opportunities, mentor-ship, and equal pays. Hence, men will also be interviewed – see tab:


  • He-Empowers-HeR (HER)


​​​​On The She-Ecosystem platform, we are optimists, doers, leaders, STEMinists, feminists  – and we seek to see progressive change in Canada and beyond!

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