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Black Women's Equal Pay Day

July 31 is ‘Black Women’s Equal Pay Day’.

In year 2017, black women make 63¢ for every dollar paid to a white man!

In year 2017, the color of a person’s skin, and their gender, makes it that she deserves to earn that much less than a man!

From this Business Insider article, Asian women get paid 84% of what men earn – a pay gap of 16%!

White women get paid 75% of what men earn. And even worse that women of color who earn about 60% of what men earn, are Hispanic women, who earn 55% to the dollar; all this due to a person’s gender and race/color of skin.

Let’s put it in this perspective:

- Black women in the U.S. have to work an additional 212 days to make what white men earned in 2016 alone.

- 8 – the number of extra months a black woman has to work to earn what her white counterparts make.

Here are some tweets by U.S. senators with the trending hashtag: #BlackWomenEqualPay

And this:

It's time for this to change. It just does not make sense.

These figures and tweets are from the U.S., but in Canada, there is also a lot of work to do in terms of gender equality, and race equality.

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